Sunday, October 3, 2010

Heritage Day Recipe

I spent Heritage day 2010 with my mum in the kitchen, making the Indian version of Med-Lemon, also known as king soup. While the secret to the great family recipe was cremated with my late grandmother {who could turn anything into a feast}, this recipe is a close second. And yes, it works to sooth a sore throat and makes you sweat away a cold, before you know it, you’re flu free and as good as new..

Heritage Day Recipe


• 1 tablespoon ground meethi seeds
• 1 tablespoon ground Black pepper
• 1 tablespoon ground Cumin seeds
• 1 tablespoon ground Jeera
• 1 tablespoon ground Mustard seeds
• ½ clove garlic ground
• 3 dry red chilies
• ½ onion finely chopped
• ½ skinned tomato, finely chopped
• 1 ½ cup of tamarind water
• 1l water
• 3 tablespoons of oil


1. In a thick pot, fry onion in oil
2. When lightly brown add garlic, spices, chilies & tomato
3. Braise till well fried for a few minutes
4. Add tamarind water. Allow to simmer
5. After 5 minutes add water
6. Bring to a boil
7. Sieve before serving with piping hot rolls

Monday, May 31, 2010


Every human being experiences his or her own desire, it is part of our personal treasure and, although as an emotion, it can drive people away, generally speaking, it brings those who are important to us closer. It is an emotion by the soul, and it is so intense that it can infect everything and anyone around me.

Every day I try to choose the truth by which I live. I try to be practical, efficient professional. But I would like to be able always to choose desire as my companion. Not out of obligation, not to lessen my loneliness, but because it is good. Yes, very good.

Eleven minutes – Paulo Coelho

Bucket List

31 Things To Do Before I Die

1. Get 1 of the photos I took published in a magazine, {National Geographic}
2. Make an unforgettable difference in someone’s life, be someones mentor.
3. Fly in a hot air balloon
4. Swim with dolphins
5. Design a room that goes on TV {Top Billing} or in a magazine
6. Go to Kimberly
7. Go on safari
8. Have my own photo shoot
9. Play with wildlife
10.Visit London/Paris
11.Send Mummy and Daddy on a dream holiday overseas
12.Do a photography course
13.Build my own book database, include movies, music & book collection
15.Own a good camera {Nikon}
16.Become closer to GOD
17.Go to Mauritius/Bahamas
18.Learn how to play the piano
19.Learn to cook like a chef
20.Have my Portrait painted
21.Give daddy a dozen red roses and tell him I love him
22.Invest in the stock market and make millions
23.Fall deeply in love – helplessly and unconditionally
24.Scuba dive
25.Learn how to ballroom dance
26.Create an online art gallery of my favorite photos
27.Visit Mayapur