I do the aarti of the divine couple, Radha Krishna.
Dunun sir kanak mukut chalkey,
Their heads are adorned with jeweled gold crowns,
Duhun shruti kundal bhal halkey,
Their ears are glorified by swaying ear-pendants,
Duhun drig prem sudha chalkey,
Their eyes are overflowing with the nectar of divine love,
Chaseeley bain, raseelay nain, gaseeley sain,
Their voices are pleasing, their eyes are loving, their glance is intoxicating.
Duhun mainan manhari ki, ki Banvari Nathvari ki.
Their beauty fascinates even the celestial god of beauty.
Aarti Priyatam Pyari ki, ki Banvari Nathwari ki.
I do the aarti of the divine couple, Radha Krishna..
Duhun drig chitvani pari vari,
The style of their glances is adorable,
Duhun lat latkani chabi nyari,
The fall of their curly hair is beautiful,
Duhun bhaun matkani ati pyari,
The playful movement of their eyebrows is lovable,
Rasan mukh pan, hasan muskan, dasan damakan,
Their lips are pinkish from the juice of betel leaves, they are smiling and laughing, their teeth are shining, and,
Duhun besar chabi nyari ki, ki Banvari Nathvari ki.
The movements they make when they talk to each other are enchanting.
Aarti Priyatam Pyari ki, ki Banvari Nathwari ki.
I do the aarti of the divine couple, Radha Krishna.
Ek ur peetambar paharey,
Krishn wears a shiny silk shawl called peetambar,
Ek ur neelambar laharey,
Radha is adorned with a beautiful blue sari,
Duhun ur lar motin chahrey,
Both are wearing sparkling pearl necklaces,
Kankanan khanak, kinkinin jhanak, noopuran bhanak,
The tinkling sound of their anklets, waistlets and bangles,
Duhun runjhun dhuni pyari ki, ki Banvari Nathvari ki.
Produces a soul-captivating resonant sound.
Aarti Priyatam Pyari ki, ki Banvari Nathwari ki.
I do the aarti of the divine couple, Radha Krishna.
Ek sir mor mukut rajey,
Krishn's peacock feather diadem is beautiful,
Ek sir choonari chabi chajey,
The blue veil adorning Radha is lovely,
Duhun sir tirchey bhal bhrajey,
The slanting of their heads towards each other is glorious.
Sang braj bal, Ladli Lal, banh gal dal,
While surrounded by the Gopis, and placing their arms around each others' neck,
Kripalu duhun drig chari ki, ki Banvari Nathvari ki.
Radha Krishna lovingly exchange glances with each other.
Aarti Priyatam Pyari ki, ki Banvari Nathwari ki.
I do the aarti of the divine couple, Radha Krishna.
Have a blessed day :)

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